Hope For Humanity

Providing Food, Clothing, Education, and Safe Spaces for Victims of Conflict and Gender-Based Violence


Education empowers individuals by providing them with knowledge, skills, and confidence. It enables people to make informed decisions, improve their livelihoods, and contribute to their communities.

Health Care

We integrates health initiatives as a core part of its mission to uplift communities. We provide healthcare services, including medical consultations, treatments, and essential medicines, to underserved populations.


The Geraldine Foundation for Peace and Charity is committed to addressing food insecurity as a vital part of our mission to support vulnerable communities. We provide nutritious food aid to families in need during times.

Good Water

By ensuring access to clean water, we reduce waterborne diseases, improve quality of life, and foster sustainable development. Our efforts contribute to building resilient communities, promoting peace, and enhancing overall well-being.

Love & Care

We believe that compassion is the foundation of peace and charity, and we strive to create a world where every individual feels valued and supported. Through our programs, we provide support to vulnerable populations and affiliates.

Travel Activities

Through organized trips, we connect volunteers and donors with the communities they serve, fostering empathy, understanding, and solidarity. Our travel programs include visiting project sites and hands-on activities.

How your help can change lives;


Your Donations enable us extend beyond limits to get to affected folks ehnancing their lives and causing a positive shift in their difficult situations.


Your helping hands has helped us to carry out visitations and extending Education, Health care services and lots where we get closer to affected individuals.


Become a volunteer

Join us for a better life and beautiful future.